Evening, Hallstätter See smallMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 5, 2023small paintings, Europe, inland water, vertical, reflections
End of Summer, the Pond largeMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 2, 2022Central California, large paintings, inland water, foothills/mountains, ranches
Deep Shade, Oak Creek smallMarcia Burtt GalleryOctober 7, 2021creeks & rivers, inland water, GLO, southwest
Summer Morning largeMarcia Burtt GalleryJune 5, 2021large paintings, Santa Barbara coastal, commissions, inland water, City of Santa Barbara
Canal Reflection #2 MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 13, 2021Santa Barbara, vertical, inlets, inland water, Santa Barbara inland
Koi and Reflection MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryNovember 6, 2020Santa Barbara, vertical, medium paintings, inland water
Summer on the Pond -- Haze MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryOctober 10, 2020inland water, Central California, medium paintings
End of the Season (Lower Crossing) smallMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 18, 2020ranches, small paintings, creeks & rivers, inland water
Afternoon, Lot River MediumMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 13, 2020Europe, inland water, vertical, medium paintings
Breeze on the Water largeMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 11, 2020large paintings, inland water, commissions