Foggy Day from Inverness MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 22, 2024barns, Northern California, ranches
Downtown MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryMay 3, 2024ranches, Central California, architecture, medium paintings
End of Summer, the Pond largeMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 2, 2022Central California, large paintings, inland water, foothills/mountains, ranches
Midsummer Shadows smallMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 7, 2021ranches, Central California, foothills/mountains
Cattle above the Creek MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 14, 2021vertical, ranches, Central California, creeks & rivers
Looking into Gooseberry Canyon MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 13, 2021vertical, ranches, gardens, California Inland
The Old Mower MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryJanuary 3, 2021vertical, ranches, barns, Santa Barbara inland
Waiting for Blaze smallMarcia Burtt GalleryNovember 7, 2020ranches, Central California, California Inland
Noon on the Ranch MediumMarcia Burtt GalleryNovember 6, 2020ranches, Central California, California Inland
Winter Creek, Spanish Ranch smallMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 18, 2020ranches, small paintings, foothills/mountains
End of the Season (Lower Crossing) smallMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 18, 2020ranches, small paintings, creeks & rivers, inland water