Dry Spring Pasture smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 21, 2019California Inland, Central California, ranches
Magpies in the Puddle smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 21, 2019Central California, inland water, ranches
Winter Light from Camino Cielo smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 21, 2019coastal, Central Coast, overlooks
Above the Falls, Walking R smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 20, 2019Central California, ranches, vertical, inland water
Sundown, Shark Harbor smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 8, 2019coastal, Southern Caifornia, rocks and water
Shining Sea II (Garrapata) smallMarcia Burtt GalleryDecember 8, 2019coastal, Central Coast, rocks and water