Rocks and Surf, Maui smallMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 19, 2023small paintings, rocks and water, Hawaii, islands
Looking South Marcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 18, 2023California Inland, Santa Barbara inland, Santa Barbara, overlooks
Rocks & Surf smallMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 18, 2023GLO, small paintings, Central Coast, rocks and water
Evening, Hallstätter See smallMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 5, 2023small paintings, Europe, inland water, vertical, reflections
End of Summer, the Pond largeMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 2, 2022Central California, large paintings, inland water, foothills/mountains, ranches
Native Garden smallMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 26, 2022gardens, California Inland, Santa Barbara inland, Santa Barbara
From Las Canoas Ridge Road II Marcia Burtt GalleryMay 21, 2022gardens, California Inland, Santa Barbara inland, Santa Barbara, overlooks